Services We Offer

IT Consulting
Many companies simply do not have the manpower or resources to have a dedicated IT department. That's okay, we're here to help.

Do you need something simple, like a macro to help you get the most from Excel? An Access database to help you manage inventory and print reports? Or maybe you need someone who can look at all those network wires and organize them into something you can manage going forward. We can help there too.

And, unlike some companies, if we don't know how to do it... we have other IT contacts we can call on to help you. WE want to be the IT partner you can count on to help you grow your business.
Website Design and Application Development
Many companies know they need a web presence, but simply don't understand how to get there. Maybe they've tried those 'turnkey solutions' which help you develop a site that looks exactly like everyone else's site and doesn't do anything to improve your business. OR, they've talked to some of the larger design firms who immediately begin quoting five and six figure prices just to say 'Hello' to the world on your own domain!

That's not us.

We will talk with you and find out what YOU want your website to accomplish. Then, we will work within YOUR budget and give you as much control over managing your site as you would wish to have. We will also stick by you after the site is Live and make sure you understand how to keep it current.

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